About This Session
In this session, I will cover using Ruby EventMachine to create a real-time - event driven - web application. This session will cover setting up an EventMachine server, Registering endpoints (unique websocket connections), and handling live or autonomous communication.
<b>Session will cover following ruby technologies</b>
1. RVM - using rvm gemsets with .rvmrc (http://beginrescueend.com/)
- triggering use of custom rvm gemsets from within github repo<br/>
2. Gemfile (for bundle install) (gem install bundler)<br/>
3. Ruby EventMachine (http://eventmachine.rubyforge.org/EventMachine.html)<br/>
4. em-websocket (gem), em-http-request (gem) usage, patterns<br/>
5. JSON object serialization<br/>
6. Concurrent Programming in Ruby<br/>
7. Autonomous Communication
<b>Session Application</b>
During the course of this session, we will build a real-time, multi-threaded communications platform that can connect to any socket based endpoint, including another user, or HTTP API, or custom endpoint, or protocol. <br/>
- Utilize html5 websockets and Json messaging to build an event-driven communications platform <br/>
- Drive socket based communication utilizing the Observer and Reactor patterns<br/>
- Use blocks (&block) to deliver http responses - from any 3rd party rest API - from your eventmachine server, back down through a websocket to the user who generated the request, or on time-based cycles.<br/>
- Learn how to use Modules (mix-ins)<br/>
- Build configuration files with YAML<br/>
- Accept Command-Line arguments using ARGV<br/>
- Have fun with other Ruby geeks!<br/>
Time: 1:45 PM Saturday Room: 4201
The Speaker(s)
Principal Software Engineer, Mr.
I work at Twilio on a huge distributed voice analytics system.