Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 1 & 2, 2016

Steven Chamberlin

About Steven
Steven Chamberlin is a service reliability engineer for the cloud data services team at IBM, which provides resources for developers to get, build, and analyze data using BlueMix, IBM's Platform as a Service. Prior to that he was a developer for an internal tooling/infrastructure team. He has been with IBM for 13 years and has also held a variety of roles in quality, including system test, integration test and automation.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Simplify Your Life with Your Own IBM Watson Personal Assistant

    We all lead busy lives, so it can be a challenge to find timely and relevant information. But what if you had a personal assistant to deliver this for you? In this lab, you will build your own cognitive cloud app powered by IBM Watson to deliver news and weather customized for your preferences and location. You will build your own Node.js application deployed to IBM Bluemix and use services from the Watson Alchemy News and the Weather Company. News articles are analyzed for category and sentiment and a real-time weather forecast is delivered for your location. Your assistant will speak to you with Watson text-to-speech technology, or can tweet your report. In the process, you will also learn more about Node-RED, Node.js and Bluemix.