Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Nima Dilmaghani

About Nima
Nima has over 15 years experience in technology as a software engineer/architect/manager/technology marketeer and entrepreneur. He has worked at Silicon Valley startups as well as large multinational corporations. He is the founder and CEO of He enormously enjoys coding, building, and creating as well as sharing and helping others. He can be found on twitter at @nimadi.
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Speaking Sessions

  • 0 to 60 with Regular Expressions in 75 minutes

    1:15 PM Sunday   Room: 5501
    Regular expressions are a formal language used for manipulating and analyzing text. They are a standard features in a wide range of languages and popular tools, including Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, the .NET framework, PHP, and MySQL. Web servers such as Apache and IIS7 use them for URL rewriting. You can find them in tools and technologies as diverse as grep and egrep to Visual Studio. This talk will get you up and running with regular expressions. We will be discussing Regular Expressions as a language and cover the syntax with extensive demos. We will also cover the practical use of regular expressions by demonstrating best practices for writing, testing, performance optimization, readability, compilation, and design guidelines. We will use the .NET framework's flavor of regular expressions in the demos. However since .NET regular expressions like most regular expression libraries are Perl compatible, the syntax presented will generally work with a wide range of regular expression packages. The speaker will attempt to point out language variations for the major implementations.