Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 13 & 14, 2018

Corey Weathers

About Corey
Corey Weathers is passionate about solving human problems with technology. Before joining Twilio, he worked as a software developer, tester, performance engineer, and consultant with Microsoft and Intapp. With his deep knowledge of .NET, he is always looking for new ways to demonstrate the magic of software by building cross platform applications that satisfy developers and users alike.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Intro to Blazor, WebAssembly and Razor in .Net

    9:15 AM Sunday   Room: Town Square A
    In this talk, we will walkthrough the Blazor Framework, Microsoft's approach to building web applications using WebAssembly & Razor Page. We will talk about what Blazor is, how to create a Blazor application, show off some of the things you can do with Blazor, and briefly address some features that are still in development. At the end of this talk, attendees should know how to get started building web applications using the Blazor framework.