Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 7 & 8, 2017

Mike North

Mike Works, Inc.
About Mike
Mike trains web development teams all over the world, at companies ranging from tiny stealth-mode startups to Silicon Valley tech giants. He’s currently a Frontend Masters instructor, a Staff Engineer on LinkedIn’s web frameworks team, and the owner of Mike Works, a training-focused consultancy.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Lockdown: a SHOCKING security primer for web developers

    11:15 AM Sunday   Room: Town Square C
    Security is an increasingly important part of building modern web applications, but it often falls victim to the pressure of tight deadlines. As attacks become more sophisticated, protecting our users becomes not just an ethical responsibility, but part of preserving a company’s reputation and trust.
    In an effort to understand what we as developers are up against, we’ll get hands-on experience staging some attacks, and in doing so learn how we can fend off those who would do our users harm.
    This workshop is intended for web application developers who have an understanding of how a client and server interact with each other. If you know what HTTPS, DNS and SQL are, and have some hands-on experience with JavaScript, you should get a lot out of this!