Silicon Valley Code Camp : Nov 8th and 9th, 2008

Christopher Vigna

About Christopher
Chris is a Development Manager / Senior Engineer at Vertigo Software. He has been with Vertigo for 4 years where he has played around various Microsoft based technologies. His current playground is in Silverlight 2 and is using it to make the in house designers giddy. Famous words: “Wow, now the developers don’t have to say no anymore.”
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Speaking Sessions

  • Developing WPF and Silverlight 2 at the same time

    Not Available x   Room: Not Assigned
    A current project required me to create a WPF and Silverlight 2 version of an application. In this session I will describe how I was able to build a Silverlight 2 and WPF application at the same time using the same code base. I will also throw in a little 3D using WPF and Kit3D just to spice it up a little.