Managing Programmers : October 2nd, 2021 at Silicon Valley Code Campfire

Ron Lichty

Ron Lichty Consulting, Inc.
About Ron
Ron Lichty has been managing and, more recently, consulting in managing software development and product organizations for over 25 years. Before that, as a programmer, he coded compiler code generators, was awarded patents for compression and security algorithms for embedded microcontroller devices, wrote 2 widely used programming texts, and developed the computer animation demo that Apple used to launch and sell a next-generation line of PCs. The primary focus of his consulting practice has mirrored what he did as a manager: untangling the knots in software development. As Ron Lichty Consulting, he takes on fractional Interim VP Engineering roles, trains teams and executives in scrum, transitions teams to agile, trains and coaches managers in managing software people and teams, and advises organizations and coaches teams to make their software development “hum.” His 450-page book, Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams, was recently released as video training - LiveLessons: Managing Software People and Teams - both from Pearson and on O’Reilly’s Safari Network. He also co-authors the periodic Study of Product Team Performance.
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Speaking Sessions

  • First Time Manager

    The transition from programmer to manager is made particularly challenging by the dramatic difference between what made us successful as programmers and what it takes to successfully manage others. In addition, programmers are an interesting management challenge. We tend to be free spirits, playful, curious, and (very) independent.

    For those programmers contemplating a leap to the “dark side,” here are a few questions to consider:

    • How can you ease the transition into management?
    • Is management something you can “try out”?
    • What’s management really about?
    • What will you give up?

    For programmers as well as managers already managing:

    • What differentiates success as a manager?
    • What's it mean to manage in the era of agile?
    • How do you prioritize?

    Come to this session and get answers to these questions and more.