Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 7 & 8, 2017

Ryan Michela

About Ryan
Ryan Michela is Principal Engineer at Salesforce, where he’s working to integrate the Salesforce ecosystem with microservices. His passions are distributed systems, helping other developers become better. When he’s not digging into the heart of software, Ryan enjoys hiking, exploring the world, and enjoying good beer.
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Speaking Sessions

  • gRPC Crash Course: Simple Microservices in Java

    1:00 PM Sunday   Room: Fireside C
    gRPC is a new high-performance, open source, universal RPC framework. Built on top of Protocol Buffers and HTTP/2, gRPC makes building scalable, efficient microservices fast and easy.

    What you will learn: How to implement a microservice using gRPC and Java.

    In this session, Ryan Michela gives you an introduction to gRPC and its capabilities will live coding a simple IRC style chat system using gRPC. You will see how easy it is to implement request/response and bi-directional streaming services using gRPC, and how easy it is to integrate gRPC into other common Java technologies like Spring Boot and RxJava.