Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 1 & 2, 2016

Tracy Lee

Modern Web
About Tracy
Tracy’s passion for JavaScript began with the love of a Tomster and is a beginner emburrito. She loves ember, convention over configuration, and ember-cli. Tracy helps organize Global Ember Meetup and runs the Modern Web podcast & conferences. You can find more at
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Speaking Sessions

  • From 0 to Developer

    How you can become a junior developer in just 3 weeks using awesome frameworks like Ember.js and Angular.js. We’ll explore how to get productive in just 3 weeks from knowing nothing about code to building real apps. We’ll live code up an ember and/or angular app so you can see how easy it is using 2 great MVC frameworks out there.

  • The Tale of 2 CLIs - Ember and Angular

    Ember-CLI and Angular-CLI are necessities to web development, and many who have not had exposure to such wonderful technologies wonder what they are actually missing. This talk will show you how easy it is to scaffold up both an ember and angular project in less than 30 minutes, how to shave days, even weeks, off your development cycle, and why you should always choose convention over configuration.