Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 1 & 2, 2016

Nuri Halperin

Plus N Consulting Inc.
About Nuri
Nuri Halperin consults, develops software, and teaches with passion. He designs and builds systems, websites and business applications. He's been getting things done for a variety clients small and large. He authors courses for A frequent speaker at tech events, he enjoys interacting and helping people reach that "Aha!" moment. Nuri is the inaugural recipient of MongoDB's William Zola Outstanding Contributor Award, and is a MongoDB Master. Owner of Plus N Consulting, Inc. Author at Pluralsight
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Speaking Sessions

  • Concurrency is child's play! (Powerful, Naïve, and full of "Oops!")

    Humans are notoriously bad multi-taskers. Computers, it turns out, are not much better... When it comes to concurrency, there are core concepts that are easy to get wrong. If you want to understand concurrency from the ground up - this session is for you! This session animates various concurrency challenges, and discusses common solutions in a code-free way with role-play. It builds scenarios using simple human interaction to bring out intuitive and deep understanding of concurrency.

  • MongoDB First Steps

    MongoDB is an extremely popular document oriented database that is fast and scalable. This session will get you familiar with this unique database and arm you with the essential skills to start using Mongo to power your software applications. We’ll talk about document oriented databases. You will see some of the core strengths (and challenges!) of using MongoDB to power your application. And, of course, some hands on demos! This session is thin on power point. We'll try cover as much ground as time permits and get your familiar with the basic concepts that differentiate this technology from its competitors. Leave your SQL thinking behind and come see how things can be very different with MongoDB.