Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 3rd and 4th 2015

Mathias Brandewinder

Clear Lines Consulting
About Mathias
I have been writing software on .NET for 10 years, mostly C#, until I fell in love with F# and functional programming. I enjoy arguing about code and how to make it better, and get very excited when discussing testing or F#. My other professional interests are applied math and machine learning. If you want to know more about me, you can check out my blog here or find me on Twitter as @brandewinder.
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Speaking Sessions

  • F# for the C# Developer

    5:00 PM Saturday   Room: R2-222
    You have been writing C# for years, and are happy with it - so why bother with F#? This talk will compare and contrast F# and C# with live coding examples, illustrating why F# is an awesome language, where it shines, and how it fits. So if you are open to the idea that C# might not be the one and only solution to all your coding problems, curious about functional programming, or simply tired of null reference exceptions, come check out what F# has to offer, and how it beautifully complements C#!