Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 5th and 6th 2013

Oswald Campesato

About Oswald
Oswald is passionate about education: a former PhD Candidate in Mathematics (ABD), with 4 Masters and 2 Bachelors degrees. Previously he worked in South America, Italy, and the French Riviera, and he traveled to 70 countries around the world. He has worked from C/C++/Java developer to CTO, and currently working at SwiftBot. He's comfortable in 4 languages and trying to learn Japanese. He's a Series Editor for Mercury Learning and working on his 17th book.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Create Stunning Data Visualization in HTML5 with D3

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: 8338
    This introductory session discusses the open source JavaScript library D3, whose emphasis on web standards embraces the capabilities of modern browsers, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation. In this session, D3 neophytes will see code samples and also learn how to deploy D3-based Android apps to devices such as Google Glass, along with a github repo with several Google Glass applications. Since D3 leverages HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 Canvas and also provides a layer of abstraction over SVG, you can create a remarkable range of data visualizations. This beginner's session is primarily a code-oriented presentation, culminating in the final 10 minutes with techniques for rendering real-time 3D data visualisation, so be prepared to delve into D3 code from an upcoming D3 book (Mercury Learning/2013), as well as some eye-candy code samples from a D3 open source project. This session concludes with a book raffle of some of my books that have been published in 2013.

  • Creating HTML5 Mobile Apps with CSS3

    3:30 PM Saturday   Room: 8338
    This introductory session for beginners focuses on HTML5 mobile apps with CSS3 2D/3D graphics and animation effects, as well as a practical technique for finding performance-related issues in your CSS3 selectors, which might be more useful than an unprioritized "dump list" of performance factors. In addition, you'll be surprised how easily you can deploy and launch both hybrid and "native" Android apps to Google Glass (bring your device if you have one). Some CSS3-based 2D/3D graphics and animation effects are "reasonable" on Google Glass (a 640x360 pixel screen, 16GB storage, and a 5 megapixel camera). This session discusses the mechanics of porting a famous and classic animation game to CSS3, and then porting the game to Google Glass, along with the technical challenges of actually playing this game on Google Glass. We'll also launch some apps on mobile devices, such as an iPad3 and a Nexus 7 2. In addition, you'll learn how to create mobile applications with CSS3 effects in Eclipse: first without the use of a plugin, and second with PhoneGap 3.0, and then you can compare the two techniques. We'll briefly look at an open source project for "pure CSS3" graphics/animation and another one that combines CSS3 with jQuery. We'll also explore (if time permits) code samples for mobile applications that use HTML5 Canvas. This session concludes with a book raffle of some of my books that have been published in 2013.