Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 5th and 6th 2013

Elaine Wherry

About Elaine
Elaine Wherry was Co-Founder and Chief Experience Officer (CXO) for Meebo, a consumer Internet company that enabled millions of users to chat, share, and connect with their online friends before being acquired by Google in 2012. Wherry authored Meebo's initial JavaScript framework in 2005 and went on to lead the Web, Product Management, and User Experience teams.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Cracking the Culture Code

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: 1401
    Culture is not amorphous, mystical, or rocket science. Nor is culture about foosball tables, making everyone happy, or scoffing at professional decorum. Culture is the way stuff gets done. And like any field, it has vocabulary, fundamentals, and theories that once understood, clarify the behaviors of our seemingly bewildering organizations. An organization's attitude towards its people and the market influences everything from innovation, productivity, release cycles, hiring, to politics. But once we understand the nuts and bolts of culture, we can either reinforce, reprogram, or select a culture where we're productive and happy. This talk demystifies culture and provides real-world case studies that illustrate how not-so-fuzzy and highly strategic cultural thinking ultimately makes or breaks every company.