Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Dan Bikle

About Dan
Some traders make their own luck. We use a robot.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Use RSpec to Learn Ruby

    2:45 PM Sunday   Room: 3525
    Ruby is a popular language. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an effective method for delivering high quality software. RSpec is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for Ruby which helps you apply BDD to your Ruby programming efforts. In this session I teach you Ruby development via RSpec. It is an effective approach to teaching Ruby to the Newby. Besides syntax, a Ruby developer needs to know about a variety of ideas, sites, and tools to become effective: OOP, mixing software modules,,,, editors, IDEs, ruby debugger, IRB. When I teach you to use RSpec to both learn and then drive the development of Ruby software, you will be exposed to most things used by professional Ruby developers. After you learn enough RSpec and Ruby to build and deploy a small software project to do something simple like scrape a website, the next logical step would be to use RSpec to drive your learning of Ruby on Rails. That topic will be covered in another session.