Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Chris Bannon

About Chris
Husband and father. Manager of wijmo and ComponentOne products. Craftsman of scripts. Author of technology. Speaker of passions. Player of hockey.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Data Visualization in HTML5 with jQuery and Wijmo

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: 8338
    HTML5 offers rich new options for data visualization like SVG and Canvas. We will look at the new technology available in HTML5 as well as tools to help use it. Wijmo is a jQuery library that makes charting in SVG easy and work in every browser. We will use it to build some killer dashboards in HTML5. With Wijmo we can create bar charts, line charts and pie charts with just a single line of jQuery. We can use simple html tables to get data from or load in data using Ajax. This session will walk you through from the basics to advanced data visualization in HTML5.