Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 9th and 10th, 2010

sara ford

About sara
I'm a Developer Evangelist for Microsoft in the Silicon Valley area. Previously, I was the Program Manager for CodePlex. I also worked on the Visual Studio team for many years and know the IDE inside and out!
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Speaking Sessions

  • How to Product Manage an Agile Team

    11:15 AM Saturday   Room: Hearthside Lounge
    During my "untraining" of waterfall techniques, I quickly developed a performance neurosis. When people ask me, “Sara, do you do real agile?” I grab a big chuck of my gray hair and say, “Look at me!” When all you’ve been taught is “command and control,” being a Product Manager for an agile team can feel as overwhelming as a Colts fan in the middle of the French Quarter on Superbowl day. Fortunately, there is a way to orchestrate the chaos. I’ve discovered 4 aspects of being an Agile Product Manager that I live and die by. This talk covers everything I would tell myself about agile product management if I could go back in time to my first day on the team.

  • Visual Studio 2010 Tips and Tricks

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: 8402
    Performance improvements begin by speeding up the simple task you do every minute of every hour of every day you use Visual Studio. Just like a coin jar where you place your spare change, you'll see the time you save add up into the days, weeks, and into the months. This talk offers the best of the best from the Visual Studio Tip of the Day series that can be used in any programming language. Get tips you can use in Visual Studio 2008 while seeing new features only available for Visual Studio 2010. Dive deep into your IDE!