Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Athol Foden

Brighter Naming
About Athol
Athol Foden is president of Brighter Naming, Silicon Valley's full service professional naming agency for company, product and service names. Startups and software a specialty.. from this former computer techy and international marketing executive. Author of Spreadsheet Marketing, Brighter Branding, Brighter Names and Brighter SEO.
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Speaking Sessions

  • From Code to Product to Market to Business - Fast Bootstrapping

    3:30 PM Saturday   Room: Hearthside Lounge
    Engineers make devices, marketeers make products. Sometimes that engineer is just writing code in the garage. How do you monetize it? This overview talk will show you how to productize your code and get the marketing started. No VC money required...but you need a road map so you look like a proper business to trigger sales and generate income.

  • Pragmatic Naming for Programmers and Product Managers

    10:45 AM Sunday   Room: Hearthside Lounge
    Your name is your most used marketing weapon in the battle for mindshare. It is not the brand or the product, but a very important handle for the brand promise. So how does a product manager find a clear, available and unique name for your software product or service? And how do you trademark and protect it? Come hear the practical experience of Athol Foden from (a former techy), share his practical knowledge of high tech naming.