Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 5th and 6th 2013

Track - Azure

<p> There will be some interesting sessions to learn from. Robin's session come straight from the trenches, saving her company over 90% on infrastructure bills using some of her novel approaches. Neil will address some of the amazing networking capabilities of Windows Azure, making it possible to set up virtual private networks hosted in the cloud with little effort, even leveraging your own DNS services. Cisco now sells virtual private network devices in the sub $300 range. Bruno will provide two talks. The first talk will be about using Hadoop and HDInsight in the cloud, both in terms how to set things up, and how to actually run jobs map reduce jobs. The second talk will spend both client and server, where he will demo the use of a Windows 8 client communicating with an MVC web application using the Web API as the back-end restful service. Finally, Alice Pang will show you how to easily and quickly put up a WordPress site using Web Matrix in the cloud. </p>