Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Track - Mobile

<p>No one has been able to miss the fact that mobile development is booming on every front, be it iPhone, Windows Phone 7, Android or some other platform. Some prophets are even going as far as to say that the PC era is ending, and the new mobile and tablet era is the next step of the computing evolution. Don’t be left behind! Attend the Mobile track sessions to find out at a high level what is happening in the mobile space (with new releases like IOS 5 and Mango), or at a detailed level how to get started developing on each platform, as well as how to test your applications. If you are already into mobile development, there are some deep dive sessions for you as well. Also, some mobile content is found in the Cloud track as well. Mobile is organized by <a href="" alt="Falafel Software" >Falafel Software Inc.</a></p>